Sunday, January 8, 2012

LB running log Jan 1-8. And food.

My runs this week:
Jan 1: 1.75 miles to Target and back to exchange some items. Mostly I wanted to get out and do something after the long drive home from Wisconsin.
Jan 3: 2.5 miles after work with Sam. The sidewalks were icy in parts, but mostly clear. I run downtown specifically because they clear the sidewalks better than the residential neighborhoods.
Jan 4: 2.5 miles after work on a trail by work. I have a standup desk at work, so usually my legs are pretty tired at the end of the day. I think it's good practice to run on tired legs. Plus when I run after work, I get to change at work and show off my cool running clothes.* If only I could wear them all the time.

*Not as exciting as I'm making it sound. I actually feel kind of awkward changing into my running clothes there but you gotta do what you gotta do.

Jan 5: Dance Dance Party Party for 80 minutes. It was bumpin'.
Jan 8: 4.25 miles with Sam. My left knee was a tad sore during the run, but it's better now. Sam usually pushes the pace when we run, since he could sprint for ever and ever and ever and I, unfortunately, cannot. Usually it's pretty good because I'm going faster than I would by myself, but I'm still working on figuring out the right speed to maintain on a bit longer run.

Overall, not huge mileage but good consistency compared to what I'd been doing in Oct/Nov/beginning of December. Around then I could feel the impact of running only once a week - I was squishier and losing my base fitness so I've been deliberately making an effort to get out more days per week.

Sometimes I go running with Sam in the morning before work and I took this picture of him a few weeks ago:

It's his best Rudolph/don't-get-hit-by-a-car-look.

I also made this dal palak recipe yesterday, which was delicious. If you want to attempt some homemade Indian food, this is a good recipe to try.

Bacher out.

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